
I'm a passionate Poet, an empowering children books author, enthusiastic well being speaker.
Armed with a Masters degree in political science and 15 years of experience as a Government Affairs Manager, Ombudsman, Spokesperson and Parliamentary Advisor I have finally discovered my passion -
P eople
A wareness
S elf love and satisfaction
S ounds of music
I magination
O ptimism
N ourished mind
I have been studying health metaphysics for the past 6 years at "Migdalor" with my beloved and genius teacher Ilana Rogel (fair disclosure: she is my mother in law).
If I will need to capture the one idea I wish to spread in a single sentence, its that -
Our thoughts and our feelings are substance and not just amorphous bubbles.
What we think, how we feel and the way we act take a physical affect on our neurotransmitters stream , our hormones, limposocyts , monocyts and basically on each and every living cell in our body. Thoughts and feelings take form.
What can we do with this understanding?
Take control! I'll help you do the rest!

Classical Music
& Beyond

The Neurosymphony of our lives and the microtubules of our soul
Why classical music?
Classical Music can help things medication never will.
These days we are fortunate to have all the music we want for free in our palm on our hands.
Research has shown that music alleviates pain and promotes a sense of well being.
All we need is a desire and good pair of ears.
Classical music enhances the activity of genes involved in dopamine secretion.
Classical music affects our blood pressure and heart rate; it can boost our immune system's activity.
Music even reduces the need for painkillers in many medical situations.
Clinical research has shown that Music can result in:
Reduction in frequency of epileptic seizures in both adults and children
Reduction in the use of analgesics prior to surgery
Reduction in pain and anxiety in patients who have experienced:
Orthodontics Treatment, spinal fusion, cystoscopic examination, severe burns, chemotherapy treatment and weight gain for premature babies.
Who do I work with
Lectures, workshops, Designated therapeutic Classical Music listening tutorials.
Health Institutions
Scientific surveys, Workshops to health professionals, research topics & collaboration utilizing Classical Music as a clinically proven therapeutic tool.
Organizations & Corporations
Lectures to groups of employees, Classical Music Ambience designated to motivate, energize, stress reduce and unleash innovation and creativity.
Classical Music Therapy consultancy by either live sessions in my clinic or through Email correspondence.
Contact Michal